What We Believe

Bethany Place Baptist Church is located near Richmond, VA in northern Chesterfield County. There are many people of tremendous character who love and serve God through Bethany Place. We have excellent leaders in place in our children’s and student ministries who serve creatively and compassionately. There are many other areas utilizing people of diverse abilities and passion for ministry. Members and attendees also serve by meeting the practical needs of people all over the Richmond area through formal and informal ministries. Bethany Place has long been committed to missions with missionaries all over the world who were at one time members of our church.

We believe the Bible to be without error (inerrant and infallible.) We seek to worship God passionately and faithfully as described in Psalm 95 and John 4:23-24. There are contemporary and traditional elements in our worship services. We seek to faithfully share the good news of Jesus as He instructed in Matthew 28:18-20, not satisfied with only delivering the good news about Jesus, but with the aim of making disciples of Jesus. In fact, we are seeking to make disciples who make disciples as described in 1 Timothy 2:2. We do this by welcoming people into our church family and by teaching the whole of God’s word as Jesus described in Matthew 28:19-20. We seek to speak to our culture motivated by love for God and love for people. Finally, we work to develop a welcoming culture that loves well those within the body and those whom God brings to our fellowship. To summarize our vision statement is, “To be a church who through God’s power transforms and equips lives for his service in daily living.”

Bethany Place is an elder-led congregation. We affiliate with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia.

What is an Elder-Led Church?

In 2011, after a long period of prayer and self-searching, BP made significant changes in her governance and leadership paradigm. We now utilize the “Elder-Led Model,” which seeks to replicate the spirit of the early Christian communities. Rather than having a Senior Pastor as the “CEO” of the church, we have a group of several men who have consistently demonstrated their character and spiritual maturity to the church body over many years and in many ways. This team takes responsibility for the overall strategic direction for Bethany Place and leaves ministry leaders empowered to use their gifts and talents without micromanagement. While paid full-time pastoral ministers remain as Elders for the entire time of their paid service at BP, others men serve on the Elder team through periodic, staggered elections. Every year sees at least one Elder election. Elders may serve for up to two three-year terms, at which time they remain ineligible for election for one year to ensure some periodic refreshment of the team.

The Elder team seeks to establish consensus within the church body. This may mean they will not decide if a small minority of members has a strong objection because they will seek time to review and investigate those concerns. The decisions are not merely majority votes.

The Bible lists the qualifications for Elders in Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3. Service as an Elder is only one of many manifestations of God’s grace in bestowing gifts upon His people. We do not consider Elders as “better” or “more holy” than anyone else, but merely those whom God has gifted for this role. All of our Elders serve in other ministries (e.g., choir, teaching, and Children’s Ministry), and in that capacity, they follow the leadership of that member who has responsibility for that ministry. The proper exercise of Christian authority is not about self-aggrandizement but service towards God’s people (Matthew 20.25-26).